Six Reasons To Bring Polyurea Coatings To Your Showroom Floors

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If your business operates a showroom, the look and feel of the showroom floor can either boost or detract from the products sitting on top. If you have noticed that your showroom floors are looking a little worse for wear, it may be time to consider an upgrade.

A fast-growing showroom floor option for many businesses is polyurea coatings. An alternative to popular epoxy coatings, polyurea offers a strong, durable, and great-looking showroom floor coating with plenty of benefits. 

Wondering if a polyurea coating is right for you showroom? Here is a breakdown of the top six reasons you should consider polyurea coatings for your showroom:

1. Polyurea Coatings Cure Fast

If you are operating a business that depends on an open showroom, facing a flooring replacement or upgrade can be a nightmare. Fortunately, polyurea coatings offer one of the fastest curing times of all showroom flooring options!

When a polyurea coating is applied through an expert contractor, you can expect a curing time of 24 hours. In most cases, the showroom floors can be safely touched within hours of application. This has led to polyurea coatings to become one of the most popular flooring upgrades on the market.

2. Polyurea Requires Little Upkeep

When it comes to upkeep and maintenance, polyurea coatings require very little. With the strength to withstand and repel dirt, grime, water, and chemicals, polyurea coatings for showrooms are one of the best options for those looking to apply a flooring solution and forget it! To clean, simply run a brush across the showroom consistently to wipe away any dirt or debris.

3. Polyurea Coatings Won't Crack Under Pressure

If your showroom is home to heavy vehicles or other equipment, ensuring that you can avoid damage is paramount. With polyurea coatings, you can avoid issues with chipping, denting, or cracking.

4. Polyurea Offer Chemical Resistance

Another great reason that many showrooms are switching to polyurea coatings is their resistance to chemicals. If you operate a showroom that has vehicles or equipment that can potentially leak acids or chemicals, you may risk damaging and staining the showroom floor underneath.

With polyurea coatings for showrooms, you can enjoy the benefit of a flooring option that will repel harmful chemicals and continue to offer a bright and strong result. So showcase your products with pride while your polyurea coating has your back!

5. Polyurea Coatings Are UV Resistant

One reason that many showroom floors begin to lose their luster is due to the effects of ultraviolet (UV) light. The radiation present in UV can lead to your floor’s texture and color to fade away and begin to discolor - something you don’t want in your showroom! 

Polyurea coatings are famous for their resistance to UV radiation. This mean that when you apply a polyurea coating to your showroom, you are adding an extra bit of radiation protection - helping keep your showroom looking as good as it did when it was first installed! The better your showroom looks, the better your products will shine!

6. You Will Boost The Safety Of Your Showroom

Did you know that adding polyurea coating to your showroom can offer safety benefits? It’s true! Polyurea coatings for showrooms are increasingly popular due to their slip-resistance. This can make your showroom that much more safe to navigate should spills or weather-related water pool on the flooring.

Many polyurea floor coatings are designed with tiny vinyl chips inside the coating which add an extra bit of texture to the final result. This means that your polyurea showroom will have an extra dose of slip-resistant coating - perfect for keeping customers, clients, and team members safe as they travel across the showrooms.

Bring The Power Of Polyurea To Your Showroom Today

If you are and your team are ready to experience the many benefits of high-quality polyurea coatings for your showroom floors, contact your local flooring expert to learn more about the process. 
With the right investment, you can boost your showroom’s look and feel with the power of polyurea coatings that are designed to provide long-lasting protection and durability. Installation is fast and effective - cutting down on showroom interruptions and helping you get back to business quickly.

With a variety of styles and customizations to choose from, you will love the results that polyurea will bring to your showroom. Learn more about polyurea and other showroom floor options with your local commercial flooring company today!

Dina SamuelZone Garage, LLC